2021 實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系畢業展|回川網站

相較於以往大專院校的畢業展覽網站,回川網站是具完整規模的畢展活動網站,整合近百件作品線上呈現,並在今年因疫情取消實體展覽的情況下,將資源導向線上,加強作品線上曝光機會,也增加其他作品呈現方式,例如Web AR擴增實境。




首頁主動態  Index Motion





The main motion of returning to the homepage of Sichuan echoes the concepts of “Continuously” and “An endless flow”. With the parallax scrolling method, the homepage screen flows in the middle of the homepage as the “Chuan” while the mouse is scrolling.

To match the image captured by the main vision, the mouse cursor uses an orange shimmer to guide the behavior of the mouse cursor.



核心概念  Core idea



In the process of design, we grasped the key points of Huichuan’s main vision, “Embellished orange”, “Stableness” and “Simplicity”, and applied Huichuan’s concept to them to achieve the unity of online exhibitions.



商品展示頁  Product Display



To let customers know more about the product details, we use the parallax scrolling method to view the product map in 360 degrees, while retaining the interestingness of the web page interaction.



Web AR


Web AR 可以在手機上用網頁瀏覽器立刻開始AR擴增實境體驗,有別於以往要使用 AR 技術必須額外下載 APP 或是掃描圖檔以及Qrcode,Web AR 不必下載任何 APP 即可完成 AR 體驗,主要是以 URL 的網站格式進行散播,不管是在瀏覽器、LINE、微信等社交媒體上皆可以進行展示,我們與3D動畫組合作,將可愛的動畫角色們放到AR體驗裡,達到另類宣傳效果。



Year / 2021

Type / Web Design

Design / Conation Website Team

Directer / roizi.project 


擔任回川網站監製指導,網站定調、架構,並單獨負責 Web AR 與 Blog 頁面以及部分視差滾動修正。